Помогите пожалуйста даю 15 баллов
Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях, вставляя слова в скобках в правильной форме.
1. She is the ___ player in our group. (good)

2. I caught a cold when I ___ on holiday in Alps. (to be)

3 I know that you _______ as a doctor in 1970. (to work)

4. If he ___ me to his birthday, I will present him a book. (to invite)

5. He ________ to see me yesterday. (not to come)

6. I ___ every day after my work. (to take a shower)

7. Oh, I ____ this film. (to never see)

8. - The telephone is ringing. Will you answer? - OK. I ___ (to answer).

9. The office ___ two days ago. (to clean)

10. Your neighbours are not so good. If I were you, I ___ to another flat. (to move)

11. He said he ___ her some money. (to give)


Ответ дал: darasyrm


1.goods (present simple)



carolinaton1997: а дальше???
darasyrm: 3.are working
carolinaton1997: мне просто нужно все
darasyrm: 5.hasn't come
darasyrm: 6.take of shower
darasyrm: 7never see
carolinaton1997: а 4??
darasyrm: 8.will answer
darasyrm: Это всьо что я знаю
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