I. Переведите на русский язык и определите функцию

1. Here is a good house to live in.
2. To master a foreign language you must work much.
3. The article to be translated is very important for us.
4. We had to change the time of our meeting.
5. There was nothing interesting at the conference to attract our attention.
6. Their aim is to translate a new article.
7. To make a new device is not an easy task.
8. To read English authors in the original means to enlarge your


Ответ дал: susannamhitaryan7
1. Here is a good house to live in. - Это хороший дом чтобы жить в нём.(Дополнение)
2. To master a foreign language you must work much. - Чтобы освоить иностранный язык, вы должны много работать.(Oбстоятельство, выражающее цель или результат )
3. The article to be translated is very important for us. - Статья для перевода очень важна для нас (Определение)
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