Запишите предложения в Present Perfect Continuous . Поставьте их в отрицательную и вопросительную формы. Дайте краткие ответы.
1. She ( to study) Spanish for two years
2. They already (to live) in dacha for four months.
3. He already (to speak) on the phone for twenty minutes.
4. They (to fish) for two hours.
5. She (to write) the letter for an hour.
6. He ( to sleep) for two hours
7. My father (to work) at the Institute since 1995.
8. My mum ( to clean) our flat since morning.
9. My granddad ( to watch) TV since six o’clock.
10. My sister (to read) since morning.
11. They (to play) volleyball since three o’clock.
12. We (to study) English for five years.


Ответ дал: polyakalinkina

has been studying

have been living

has been speaking

have been fishing

has been writing

has been sleeping

has been working

has been cleaning

has been watching

has been reading

have been playing

have been studying

это глаголы

в отрицательной форме к каждому глаголу добавить not

тоесть вместо каждого has/have будет hasn't/haven't

Вас заинтересует