Дайте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Н-р: wet – wetter – the wettest

expensive – more expensive – the most expensive

1. big (большой)
2. clever (умный)
3. good (хороший)
4. pleasant (приятный)
5. poor (бедный)
6. bad (плохой)
7. funny (смешной)
8. important (важный)
9. sunny (солнечный)
10. far (далекий)
11. comfortable (удобный)
12. wise (мудрый)


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 big- bigger- the biggest

2 clever- cleverer -the cleverest

3 good - better- the best

4 pleasant- more pleasant- the most pleasant

5 poor- poorer- the poorest

6 bad- worse -the worst

7 funny - funnier - the funniest

8 important - more important - the most important

9 sunny- sunnier- the sunniest

10 far- farther- the farthest

11 comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable

12 wise - wiser- the wisest


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