даю 30 баллов!!
Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, чтобы получилось условное предложение первого типа.
1. If there (to be) … no hotel in this town, we (to have) … to sleep in the car.
2. We (to order) … hamburgers if they (to have) … no pizza.
3. (to get) … I … a discount if I (to buy) … ten boxes?
4. If you (to need) … any help, just (to tell) … me.
5. Can I (to go) … home at five if I (to finish) … the project by that time?
6. You (to find) … the book interesting if you (to read) … the first ten pages.
7. If you (to lose) … your keys, I (to give) … you mine.


Ответ дал: puflbdp352

1. If there is no hotel in this town, we'll have to sleep in the car.

2. We'll order hamburgers if they have no pizza.

3. Will I get a discount if I buy ten boxes?

4. If you need any help, just tell me.

5. Can I go home at five if I finish the project by that time?

6. You'll find the book interesting if you to read the first ten pages.

7. If you lose your keys, I'll give you mine.

yaruaryy45: какого типа предложения
puflbdp352: ??
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