Choose the right variant.
1 I really enjoy to listen/listening the radio.
2 He didn’t want to quit/quitting the room.
3 We finally managed to find/finding the keys.
4 No, I refuse to wait/waiting a moment longer.
5 It’s worth to read/reading this article.
6 They promise to come/coming.
7 He hates to answer/ answering the phone.
8 They suggested to stay/staying in the hotel.
9 Don’t forget to buy /buying a weekly newspaper.
10 They pretended to be/ being asleep.
11 Let’s continue to prove/proving this statement.

12 They didn’t agree to come/coming.
13 Jack has decided to move/ moving to London.
Choose the right variant.
1 He failed to pass/passing the exam.
2 I can’t imagine myself to live/living without the Internet.
3 My granny is fond of to read/reading magazines.
4 My dad finally gave up to smoke/smoking at the age of forty-nine.
5 I managed to buy/buying the tickets for the morning train.
6 We hate to be/being late.


Ответ дал: thebestamigo
  1. listening
  2. quit
  3. to find
  4. to wait
  5. reading
  6. to come
  7. answering
  8. staying
  9. to buy
  10. to be
  11. proving
  12. to come
  13. to move

  1. to pass
  2. living
  3. reading
  4. smoking
  5. to buy
  6. being
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