b) Complete the exchanges with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: I love_____(read) books about real people and places.

B: Really?_____ (read) fiction is much more enjoyable to me.

2. A: Dad suggested_____(go) to the cinema. Do you want_____(come)?

B: Thanks for_____(invite) me, but I need to go to the library.

3. A: Can you imagine_____(be) a famous writer?

B: Yes! Then I'd have enough money_____(build) a hospital for kids.

4. A: How about_____(meet) after school tomorrow?

B: I'm afraid I can't. I'm going_____(shop) with Liza.

5. A: John is good at_____(write) stories.

B: He definitely is. I'd love_____(read) his latest story.​


Ответ дал: lukY777


1) read, read


3) was, build

4)meet, shop

5) wrote, read

maybe this is not right

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