Write the type of sentences (positive, negative, question):

1. We will swim in the sea.

2. She is in the café now.

3. Do you like pizza?


Ответ дал: persy20
1. We won’t swim in the sea.
Will we swim in the sea?
2. She isn’t in the cafe now.
Is she in the cafe now?
3. I like pizza.
I don’t like pizza.

samedoffdanya: Write the type of sentences (positive, negative, question):
То есть напичать какой,это вид предложения,а то я не понимаю0_0
persy20: 1. Positive
2. Positive
3. Question
persy20: Positive - повествовательное
Negative- отрицательное ( там будет частица not)
Question- вопрос
Вас заинтересует