помогите с английским! Выполни задание, раскрой скобки. Используй -ing форму или инфинитив с to или без to. Переведи предложения на русский язык.
1 They can (work) hard.
2 All my friends enjoy (watch) that film.
3 He prefers (be) along while he walks.
4 My parents let me (stay) at my friend’s.
5 How about (order) a pizza tonight?
6 My mum made me (tell) her where I had been.
7 We like (play) volleyball with friends.
8 She went to school without (eat) any breakfast.
9 You must (report) the incident to the police!
10 We want (go) to the cinema this evening.


Ответ дал: FoxAlice780


  1. work
  2. watching
  3. being
  4. to stay
  5. ordering
  6. tell
  7. playing
  8. eating
  9. report
  10. to go
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