Раскрытие скобок, Present Perfect 
1. Her little sister ( to lost ) her key lately 
2. I just ( to eat ) a lot of sweets 
3. Susan just ( to see ) her friends
4. My brother and I ( to play ) golf this morning 
5. I just ( to come ) home from school
6. We never ( to be ) to New York.
7. My mother just ( to wake up )
8. They already ( to have ) brealfast 
9. His grandmother just ( to wash ) fruit for lunch 
10. My sister ( to clean ) the floor lately
11. I just ( to make ) tea
12. My little brother already ( to paint ) a picture 
13. He ( to take ) his dog for a walk lately 
14. My parents just ( to listen ) to music


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
1. Her little sister has lost her key lately 
2. I have just eaten a lot of sweets 
3. Susan has just  seen her friends
4. My brother and I have played golf this morning 
5. I have just come home from school
6. We have never been to New York.
7. My mother has just woken up
8. They have already had  breakfast 
9. His grandmother has just washed fruit for lunch 
10. My sister has to cleaned the floor lately
11. I have just  maked tea
12. My little brother has already  painted a picture 
13. He has taken his dog for a walk lately 
14. My parents have just listened to music

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