Test 2. Rights and responsibilities

Variant 1

Al. It is something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have.

1) right

3) responsibility

2) freedom

4) obligation

A2. Choose the appropriate word.

All people have the right to of opportunity. I) equa!

3) equalize

2) equally

4) equality

A3. Choose the correct form of the verbs.

The problem of homeless people … tomorrow.

1) must not be discuss

2) must not discuss

3) must not be discussed

4) must be not discussed

A4. Choose the appropriate word.

To my mind, the government take care of old people. I) can

3) may

2) must

4) could

A5. Match the elements on the left and on the right.

1) liberal

2) free

3) exter

4) opportuni

a. -nal

b. -izo

c. -ty

d. -dom


B1. Correct the mistakes.

You can say you are keen of studying laws indeed?

CL. Write down the rights of young people (not less than 5).

Young people have the right:


Ответ дал: rina678i9


А1. 2

А2. 4

А3. 2

А4. 2

А5. 1) liberality

2) freedom

3) external

4) opportunity


1) The name and surname of the child cannot be changed without his consent.

2) A child can do light work for several hours a day if this does not harm his health and does not interfere with school attendance.

3) The child must receive preschool education

4)A child may, as an exception, go to school.

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