Какие из предложений находятся в пассивном залоге.
1. The patient is being examined by the doctor.
2. Some efforts were even then being made to give the first aid to an injured person.
3. Nervous system is being strengthened by vitamins.
4. Are the boys being asked questions by their parents now?
5. Was the house being broken into when the police came?
6. The house is being repaired.
7. When John was ill he was being taught at home.
8. Piano lessons are not being given.
9. Is a special dinner being made by her?
10. Was he being followed by strange people?


Ответ дал: sezimdastanovna


1,3,4,9,10 стоят в пассивном залоге

Ответ дал: rooooop


1,3,4,9,10- пассивный залог

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