Change time expressions and other words in the reported speech if necessary (Измени обозначения времени и другие слова в косвенной речи, если необходимо).
1. ‘I am going to the party tonight.’ — Sarah said that she was going to the party
next night...
that night
this night
2. ‘This book is boring’, she told me. — She told me .... book was boring.
3. ‘It’s cold here.’ — Paul said that it was cold ...
at this place

nhfkufhtd: Паскаль АВС: В целочисленном массиве В[6] определить сумму положительных элементов делящихся на 3 без остатка и поставить её на место максимального элемента массива А[5].
nhfkufhtd: Помоги пожалуйста


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. ‘I am going to the party tonight.’ — Sarah said that she was going to the party THAT NIGHT.

2. ‘This book is boring’, she told me. — She told me THAT book was boring.

3. ‘It’s cold here.’ — Paul said that it was cold THERE.

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