СРОЧНО РЕШИТЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Номер вопроса и ответ
1. You called me yesterday, ______________?
А) aren’t you
Б) don’t you
В) didn’t you
Г) hadn’t you
2. Today the streets aren`t as ___________as they used to be.
А) clean
Б) cleaner
В) cleanest
Г) more clean
3. William Shakespeare : “Romeo and Juliet” = Leonardo da Vinci : ______________?
А) “The Magic Flute”
Б) “Jurassic Park”
В) the “Mona Lisa”
Г) “The Flying Dutchman”
4. Укажите верный вариант. I (meet) just our friends.
А) meet
Б) met
В) have met
Г) am meeting
5. Укажите верный вариант: I love your clothes. Where do you buy ________?
А) it
Б) they
В) its
Г) them
6. It is comfortable to travel _____ train.
А) in
Б) on
В) at
Г) by
7. Укажите неверный вариант:
А) We have very little milk.
Б) He has got few time left.
В) There are lots of flowers here.
Г) Are there many sweets on the plate?
8. Укажите верный вариант: If ___________ calls me, say, I am not at home.
А) anybody
Б) somebody
В) everyone
Г) nobody
9. Укажите неверный вариант употребления артикля
А) the Alps
Б) the Elbrus
В) the Thames
Г) the Ukraine
10. Укажите верно образованную форму множественного числа
А) foxs
Б) mans
В) teeth
Г) childrens
11. Укажите верный вариант
А) I’ll tell him everything if he phones.
Б) I’ll tell him everything if he will phone.
В) I’ll tell him everything if he will to phone.
Г) I’ll tell him everything if he has phoned.
12. Укажите верный вариант
А) Where are money? They’re in my bag.
Б) Where is a money? It’s in my bag.
В) Where are the money? In my bag.
Г) Where is the money? It’s in my bag.
13. Укажите неверный вариант
А) What does he like to do?
Б) What house does he live in?
В) Where does he see her yesterday?
Г) How many pencils are on the table?
14. Укажите верный вариант.
А) Agriculture is one of most largest and most important activities in Great Britain.
Б) Agriculture is one of the larger and importantest activities in Great Britain.
В) Agriculture is one of the largest and most important activities in Great Britain.
Г) Agriculture is one of the most large and importanter activities in Great Britain.
15. Fermat achieved astounding results _______ field _______mathematics.
А) in the / of
Б) on the / of the
В) at / by the
Г) In / at the


Ответ дал: nvjdi




4. Г













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