Choose the correct variant in brackets:

1. I am (the good/the best) chess player in our group.

2. His watch is (cheaper/the cheapest) than mine.

3. She is (the most beautiful/beautiest) girl in the class.

4. Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of (more famous/the most famous) person in the world.

5. Did she feel (best/better) today?

6. I don’t think this is (the best/better) idea than mine.

7. Last week was (hotter/the hottest) ever!

8. For me mathematics was (harder/more hard) than Chemistry last year.

9. Mike is (more tall/taller) than his brother.

10. This is (the funnier/the funniest) joke I’ve ever heard!


Ответ дал: rosario0


the best


the most beautiful

the most famous



the hottest



the funniest

Ответ дал: Lincrafting

1. I am THE BEST chess player in our group.

2. His watch is CHEAPER than mine.

3. She is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL girl in the class.

4. Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of THE MOST FAMOUS person in the world.

5. Did she feel BETTER today?

6. I don’t think this is BETTER idea than mine.

7. Last week was THE HOTTEST ever!

8. For me mathematics was HARDER than Chemistry last year.

9. Mike is TALLER than his brother.

10. This is THE FUNNIEST joke I’ve ever heard!

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