Complete the following sentences using simple present or present continuous tense form.

1. A butterfly ………………… life as an egg on a leaf.
a) is beginning
b) begins

2. The queen ant …………………… thousands of eggs which ………………….. into larvae.
a) is laying, is hatching
b) lays, hatch
c) lay, are hatching

3. Ants are insects that ………………. in colonies.
a) live
b) are living
c) Either could be used here

4. The caterpillar …………………… the leaf and ……………….. very fast.
a) eats, grows
b) is eating, grows
c) is eating, is growing

5. The butterfly ……………….. from the pupa.
a) is emerging
b) emerges
c) Either could be used here

6. Cows ………………… grass and ………………… milk.
a) eat, give
b) are eating, giving
c) are eating, give

7. Martha ……………….. Spanish very well.
a) speaks
b) is speaking
c) Either could be used here

8. Most birds …………………….. a new nest each other.
a) build
b) are building
c) Either could be used here

9. Carnivores ………………….. mostly animal flesh.
a) eat
b) are eating
c) Either could be used here

10. Heat …………………. bodies.
a) expands
b) is expanding
c) Either could be used here


Ответ дал: dianamalina01



1.  b

2. b

3.  a

4. a

5. b

6. a

7. a

8. a

9. a


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