Выбери правильный
1. You must (go/to go) to bed at 10 o'clock.
2.People have got 32 (tooth/teeth).
3.What colour (are/is) his eyes?
4.Tom (have/has) got a long nose.
5.(What/When) pet have you got?
6. When (do/does) your sisters go to the pool?
7.Is your (brother's/brother) hair dark?​


Ответ дал: dasharomanova5

1.You must go to bed at 10 o,clock.

2.People have 32 teeth.

3.What colour are his eyes?

4.Tom has got a long nose.

5.What pet have you got?

6.When does your sisters go to the pool?

7.is your brother's hair dark?

Ответ дал: yagamilite228
1) go
2) teeth
3) are
4) has
5) what
6) does
7) brother’s
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