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If you drive north past Gateshead, England, you (1) will see / will be seen an enormous sculpture. It’s 20 metres tall with
wings that are 54 metres across. It (2) calls / is called the Angel of the North. The sculpture (3) created / was created by Antony
Gormley in 1998. Gormley (4) was thinking / thought of many things while he (5) was building / was being built this large structure.
For example, (6) will it fall / will be fallen down if there is a strong wind? Engineers (7) included / were included in the project to
help him solve this problem. When it (8) completed / was completed, the Angel could stand in winds of around 160 kilometres an
hour! At first, critics (9) haven’t been / weren’t happy with the Angel. However, today the Angel of the North (10) considers / is
considered by most British people as a masterpiece of modern art.


Ответ дал: dana1499

you will see, it is called, was created, thought of many things, was building, will it fall, were included

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