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К предложениям составить 4 типа вопросов:
1) Her image affected Fyodor's mental vision deeply
2) In 1846 Dostoevsky wrote a story The Double​


Ответ дал: mashapuchkova2

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Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. Did her image affect Fyodor's mental vision deeply?

2. Did her image or appearance affect Fyodor's mental vision deeply?

3. What affected Fyodor's mental vision deeply?

4. How did her image affect Fyodor mental vision?

5. Her image affected Fyodor's mental vision deeply, didn't it?

1. Did Dostoevsky write a story The Double in 18 46?

2. Did Dostoevsky or Pushkin write a story The Double in 1846?

3. Cool wrote a story The Double in 1846?

4. What story did D. write in 1846?

5 . Dostoevsky wrote the story The Double in 1846, didn't he?

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