Товарищи знатоки, помогите с модульными глаголами. Заранее спасибо!​



Ответ дал: lattuce



Задание 1:

1) CAN you speak English well ? 

2) The patient MUST stay in bed. 

3) MAY I open the window and air the room? 

4) CAN we keep our body in healthy condition? 

5) We MAY/CAN treat many diseases by diet. (MAY-возможно можем, CAN -точно можем)

6) Nobody CAN read or write Latin. 

7) you have a bad toothache. You MUST see a dentist.

8) Dust MAY have germs. 

Задание 2:

1) You must take this powder on an empty stomach. 

2) Blood loss can lead to shock.

3 Doctor, may I come in?

4) You must do exercises every day.

5) Students can take books from the library. 

6)  Can you do injections? 

7)  A nurse must give a hot water bottle to a bed-bound patient. 

Задание 3:

1. Who can extract teeth painlessly?

2. Must the nurse be very careful with bed patients?

3. What can pass through the mouth and nose?

4. What can cause asphyxia?

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