Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время
1. Petter (not, think) about his trip to Moscow.
2. She ( forget ) to do her homework yesterday and ( get ) a bad mark.
3. What you ( drink ) at the party?
4. I ( not, have) a lot of toys when I was five years old, I mostly ( read )
5. When he ( tell ) her about his voyage to New York?


Ответ дал: pro114
  1. Petter did not think about his trip to Moscow
  2. She forgot to do her homework yesterday and got a bad mark.
  3. What did you drink at the party?
  4. i did not have a lot of toys when i was five years old, i mostly read books
  5. When did he tell her about his voyage to New York?

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