Замените полную форму слов в скобочках сокращённой. 1. (There is not ) a sea there. 2. (There are not ) any lakes on my plane Bt 3. (There is no) river there. 4. (There are not) any caves on my plane 5. (There are not) any animals and bird there. 6. (There is) a red rose on my planet.


Ответ дал: arsenka12343


1. There isn't a sea there. 2. There aren't any lakes on my plane Bt 3. There isn't river there. 4. There aren't any caves on my plane 5. There aren't any animals and bird there. 6. There is a red rose on my planet.

Ответ дал: dreemmurchara


There isn't a sea there. There aren't any lakes on me plate. There's no river there. There aren't any caves on my plane. There aren't any animals and bird there. There's a red rose on my planet


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