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Ответ дал: timur585eroz5vai
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you to answer the questions you asked me in your last letter.
First of all, the profession I would like to choose is a teacher. I think being a teacher is one of the most important and essential professions in the world because you can teach children and give them knowledge. For example, our teachers at school. They help us to get the knowledge and broaden our horizons.
My parents agree with me that teachers make our life easier. However, my mother says that I have to learn a lot of subjects to become a teacher because it is important to know every subject to become a teacher. All children are curious and they always ask different questions. Being a teacher is not an easy task because you have to know everything and ready to help every pupil.
I forgot to say that I would like to be an English teacher. It is my dream to know English perfectly so that I can communicate with native speakers and know how to teach. So English will help me so much.
What about you? Did you speak to your parents about the problem you had? I wish you were happy.
I am looking forward to seeing you
Have a nice day!
With love
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Ответ дал: Хлебушек333

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written earlier because I was busy with my homework.

In your letter you asked me about my future career. Speaking about me, I would like to become an ecologist because I want to care about the environment and solve the environmental problems. Unfortunately, my parents don't agree with my choice because they think it is a low-paid profession. Actually, English will be definately useful for my future career because I will talk to other ecologists from all over the world.

I'm sorry, I have to finish the letter now because I have to walk my dog. Take care and keep in touch.

Best wishes,


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