Даю 99 баллов, срочно!!!! Нужно сделать вопросы из предложений



Ответ дал: L0sK


  1. How many kilometers has the length of the bus route been increased by?
  2. Are the rails called T-rails because of their shape?
  3. How many kilograms did the load weigh?
  4. When must each passenger fasten the belt?
  5. Now all the rails have a standard gauge, haven't they?
  6. Where did she leave her driving license?
  7. Where was one underground railway line working entirely without workers for some period of time?
  8. Have twenty seven British scientists gained Nobel awards since 1945 or since 1930?
  9. The pipe is leaking at the joint, isn't it?
  10. Where are the two-speed escalators being installed?
Ответ дал: neneee
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