Пж изи задание
Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами may или might.
1. The restaurant is full. … I sit here at your table?
2. He … even pass with dictation if he tries very hard. His Maths is not
so good.
3. He … even fail though I don’t think that is very likely.
4. His French is getting better, he … get a distinction, but should at last
5. You … see Jack at the party last night.
6. They warned me that I … not get the job.
7. … I borrow your ruler?
8. His house repairs … cost more than the house is worth.
9. … the New Year bring everybody their heart desires.
10. It was so quiet that one … hear a leaf drop.​


Ответ дал: antonovnekita


1 may

2 may

3 might

4 might

5 may

6 may

7 might

8 may

9 might

10 may


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