Вставляйте предлоги и наречия.

1. "Do the Sedovs often go …?" "No, they don't. Mr Sedov has been very

busy lately. " 2. "When did you go the cinema?" "I went … the cinema the day

yesterday. " 3. "Have you got any plans the summer?" "No, I haven't. And

what you?" "I haven't either. " 4. "Have you talked … Mr Petrov … his work?"

"No, not yet. " 5. "What is Mrs Brown?" "She's a teacher French … school.

6. Mr Brown teaches English literature Moscow University. He came…

Moscow two years ago. 7. "I'm fond … Leo Tolstoy's novels. He is my

favourite Russian writer, " said Mr Green. 8. When the phone rang she went

the sitting-room to answer the call. 9. He came … London … the invitation …

the college. 10. This film is based … Scholokhov's novel.



Ответ дал: german3004
1) there
2) to
3) for
4) with, about
5) in, in
6) in. To, already
7) of
8) into
9) to, with, from
10 on
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