Закончите предложения, вставляя нужную форму глагола «to be».
1. I _________a student of a Medical College. ( to be)
2. He often ________his Parents. ( to write)
3. Does she_________ her mother? ( to help)
4. I often _______ her in the park. (to see)
5. She ____________ her work very much. (to like)
6. ________ Tom a friend of mine? ( to be)
7. We ________ to the country with some of our friends every weekend. (to go)
8. The students usually _________ their exams in January and June. (to have )
9. These magazines _______very interesting. Read them at home. (to be)
10. Do you ____________ these students? They are from our group. ( to know)
11.Translate this text without a dictionary. It _________not difficult. (to be)
12. Give me your pen, please. Thank you. (to give)


Ответ дал: zhetk
1) am
2) writes to
3) help
4) see
5) like
7) go to
8) have
9) is
10) know
11) is
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