4. Закончите предложение, используя Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. He ____________ (eat) rice every day.

2. I ______________ (work) at the moment.

3. They ___________ (not / go) to the party tonight.

4. He ____________ (not / play) golf on Mondays.

5. ______________ (you / study) every night?

6. ______________ (Julie / sleep) now?

7. I _____________ (not / drink) coffee very often.

8. ______________ (he / come) to London often?


Ответ дал: hereiskirusia
1. Eats
2. am working
3. Aren’t going (?)
4. doesn’t play
5. Do you study
6. Is Julie sleeping
7. Don’t drink
8. Does he come
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