II. Choose the correct verb form in bold.
e. g. 0. If my parents were on business trip, I … some friends round.
A) should invite B) invite
1 If I don’t feel well tomorrow, I … go to school.
A) should not B) won’t
2 If Judy … a scholarship, she won’t need to work while attending university.
A) wins B) will win
3 If I … you, I wouldn’t speak to her again.
A) were B) had been
4 If Lucy … my advice, she wouldn’t have lost all her money.
A) followed B) had followed
5 If you … to Paris, you can see the Eiffel Tower.
A) will go B) go
6 If I had known she had a problem, I … to help her.
A) should have tried B) should try
7 If Mum … dinner, we’ll order a pizza.
A) doesn’t cook B) hadn’t cooked
8 If we … now, we’ll be there by eight.
A) leave B) shall leave
9 If you … faster, you can win the race.
A) ran B) run
10 If her car …, she wouldn’t have walked to work.
A) hadn’t broken down B) didn’t break down


Ответ дал: StellaSarah99


0) invite

1)  won't

2) wins

3) were

4) had followed

5) go

6) should have tried

7)  doesnt't cook

8) leave


nikolaikovalyo: 9-10 наугад?
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