Variant 1
1) I never ... (be) to Australia.
2) ... he ....... (repair) his car since 4 o'clock?
3) Jenna .... (talk) to the marketing director since 5 o'clock.
4) ....he... (pass) the exam yet?
5) Uncle Tim .. (decorate) the New Year Tree since morning.
6) My father ...(send) application letters for half a year already
and still he hasn't got a job.
7) We ......just ... (meet) an American actor.
8) ...your husband ... (sell) the house yet?
9) I... (start) my new job yet.
10)1 . (search) for it for a long time.
11) ever ... (be) to New York?


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert


1) I have never been to Australia.

2) Has he been repairing his car since 4 o'clock?

3) Jenna has been talking to the marketing director since 5 o'clock.

4) Has he passed the exam yet?

5) Uncle Tim has been decorating the New Year Tree since morning.

6) My father has been sending application letters for half a year already  and still he hasn't got a job.

7) We have just met an American actor.

8) Has your husband sold the house yet?

9) I have not started my new job yet.

10) I have been searching for it for a long time.

11) Have you ever been to New York?


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