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Задание : Complete the dialogues and act them out.
Перевод : Завершите диалог и их действие.

-Have you bought the dictionary? 
-Yes,a have . 
-When did you buy it? 
-I bought it three days ago.

1)-Have you seen this film?
  -Yes,... .
  -When ... ?
  -... .
2)-Has your brother rung up granny?
  -Yes, ... .
  -When ... ?
  - ... .
3)-Have they been to Paris?
  -Yes, ... .
  -When ... ?
  - ... .
4)-Have the children found their pet?
   -Yes, ... .
   -When ... ?
   - ... .
5)-Have you begun your French classes?
   -Yes, ... .
   -When ... ?
   - ... .
6)-Has she had lunch yet?
   -Yes, ... .
   -When ... ?
   - ... .
7)- Have Mary and John finished their homework?
   -Yes, ... .
   -When ... ?
   - ... .
8)-Has Bobby playes the piano?
  -Yes, ... .
  -When ... ?
  - ... .


Ответ дал: Barabulik
1) I have.
When did you see it?
I saw it yesterday.
И так далее

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