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Ответ дал: Lyovushka228


2. much 3.how many  4. a lot 5 how many 6.many


Ответ дал: bergadolf

Kelly: Tina let's ask Donna to join us for dinner tonight.

Tina: Have we got enough food? How much meat is there in the fridge?

Kelly: Not many but there are three burgers.

Tina: Ok. A lot potatoes have we got?

Kelly: How much! About 5 kilos.

Tina: GREAT. We can make some chips to go with the burgers. How many apples are there in the fridge? I want to make an apple pie.

Kelly: Not much. We need to buy some. I can go to the supermarket.

Tina: Ok. Let's call Donna then.

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