Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в прошедшее время.

1. On Saturday I __ (play) computer games with my cousins. 2. My mum __ (not cook) dinner last night. 3. I __ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses. 4. They __ (not dance) at the party. 5. My brother __ (travel) to Ireland last summer. 6. I___(do) my homework yesterday. 7. Peter ___(buy) a new CD last day. 8. We ___(make) a snowman last winter.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 played

2 didn't cook

3 walked

4 didn't dance

5 travelled

6 did

7 bought

8 made

Ответ дал: JustNedd


1. On Saturday I played (play) computer games with my cousins. 2. My mum didnt cook (not cook) dinner last night. 3. I walked (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses. 4. They didnt dance (not dance) at the party. 5. My brother travelled (travel) to Ireland last summer. 6. I did (do) my homework yesterday. 7. Peter bought(buy) a new CD last day. 8. We made (make) a snowman last winter.

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