Переведите на английский язык:
1.Он не пришел на концерт, потому что мы его не пригласили. 2. К тому времени, как мы собирались уходить из дома, дождь прекратился. 3. Когда он пришел, урок уже начался. 4. Он стал сильнее после того, как много плавал летом. 5. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я сказал ей свое имя. 6. Я понял, что уже читал эту книгу до того, как я прочитал ее до конца. 7. Когда я вошел в класс, учитель уже закрыл журнал и объяснял новое правило. 8. Он не видел своего друга два дня и думал, что тот заболел.


Ответ дал: nacudragnel


1. He didn't come to the concert because we didn't invite him. 2.by by the time we were about to leave the house, the rain had stopped. 3. When he arrived, the lesson had already started. 4. He became stronger after swimming a lot in the summer. 5. She gave me the letter only after I told her my name. 6. I realized that I had already read this book before I finished it. 7. when I entered the classroom, the teacher had already closed the magazine and was explaining the new rule to me. 8. He did not see his friend for two days and thought that he was ill.


Ответ дал: TranVer


1.He didn't come to the concert because we didn't invite him. 2.by the time we were about to leave the house, the rain had stopped. 3. When he arrived, the lesson had already started. 4. He became stronger after swimming a lot in the summer. 5. She gave me the letter only after I told her my name. 6. I realized that I had already read this book before I read it to the end. 7. when I entered the classroom, the teacher had already closed the magazine and was explaining the new rule. 8. He did not see his friend for two days and thought that he was ill.

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