For each of the following sentences, complete the subordinate clause with the Simple Past Subjunctive (УП 2 типа) of the verb shown in brackets.
1. If he ___ not ____ his work, he would find another job. (to like)
2. If he ________ rich, he would travel. (to be)
3. _________ I not anxious to meet him, I would stay at home. (to be)
4. He would have more free time if he ______ not _________ so hard. (to work)
5. If I _________ a car, I would visit Cape Breton. (to have)
6. We would take the bus if it _________ to snow. (to begin)
7. If you _________ him, you would surely recognize him. (to see)
8. I would not confide in him if I _______ not _________ him. (to trust)
9. If we _______ not _________ time, we would let you know. (to have)
10. If he _____________ an expedition, I would certainly join it. (to organize)
11. I would not worry about it if I _________ you. (to be)


Ответ дал: lanamm


1. wouldn’t like

2. Was rich

3. If I wouldn’t

4. Wouldn’t

5. Had

6. Wouldn’t

7. Saw

8. Wouldn’t

9. Had

10. Organized

11. Were


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