Упражнение 2.
1. The weather is really bad today, __________?
2. I like chocolate very much, _____________?
3. She doesn’t work in a hotel, ____________?
4. They need some new clothes, ___________?
5. She studies very hard every night, ________?
6. David and Julie don’t take Chinese classes, ___?
7. I often come home late, ________________ ?
8. You don’t like spicy food, ________________ ?
9. She doesn’t cook very often, ______________?
10. We don’t watch much TV, ______________?
11. He has seen that movie, _______________?
12. You were living in France, ______________?
13. You lived in France, ___________________?
14. Thomas came over last night, ___________?
15. Your grandmother was Irish, ____________?


Ответ дал: sverkauu
1. isn’t it?
2. don’t I?
3. does she?
4. don’t they?
5. doesn’t she?
6. do they?
7. don’t I?
8. do you?
9. does she?
10. do we?
11. hasn’t he?
12. weren’t you?
13. didn’t you?
14. didn’t he?
15. wasn’t she?
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