
Выберите только один правильный ответ.

1. What………you……….the whole evening?

a) did…discuss, b) were……….discussing, c) had……..discussed, d) had….been discussing

2. Europeans……..in Australia in 1788.

a) settled, b) was settling, c) has settled, d) had been settling

3. The spacecraft ……the Moon after three days.

a) was reaching, b) reached, c) had reached, d) had been reaching

4. That was the only thing today they……… .

a) was forgetting, b) forgot, c) had forgotten, d) were forgetting

5. My cousin….. a baker last week.

a) was marrying, b) married, c) had married, d) had been marrying
6. I don’t remember. It……….long ago.

a) was happening, b) happened, c) had happened, d) had been happening

7. It……….more and more difficult to find a room.

a) had become, b) had been become, c) became d) was becoming
8. The lion….silently………its prey.

a) was…followed, b) had…followed, c) was…following, d) didn’t ….follow

9. When the animals………..their prey the lion…….restlessly in its cage.

a) were stalking, was moving; b) stalked, was moving, c) had stalked, moved, d) had been stalking, was moving

10. Our plant…….this equipment during the year.

a) produced, b) had been producing, c) was producing, d) had produced


Ответ дал: nkhaliullina

1. What had you been discussing the whole evening?

2. Europeans settled in Australia in 1788.

3. The spacecraft reachedthe Moon after three days.

4. That was the only thing today they had forgotten

5. My cousin married a baker last week.

6. I don’t remember. It happened long ago.

7. It had been become more and more difficult to find a room.

8. The lion was silently following its prey.

9. When the animals were stalking their prey the lion was moving restlessly in its cage.

10. Our plant had been producing this equipment during the year.

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