Open the brackets put the nouns in the plural or in the singular forms:
1. I met some interesting _________ at the meeting. (man)
2. I need some ________ the light the fire. (match)
3. The baby got two new _______ . (tooth)
4. The farmer loaded his cart with _______ (box) of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart was pulled by two _______ (ox)
5. Alex saw some _______ running across the floor. (mouse)
6. The north side of the island has no ____. There are only ________ steep. No one can climb these steep walls of rock. (beach, cliff).
7. If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower ________ turn yellow. (leaf)
8. Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two ______ (attorney)
9. New scientific _ are made every day in __ throughout the world, (discovery, laboratory)
10. I caught several ________ in the lake (fish)


Ответ дал: rausanesenalieva

Ответ:1.mans;2.matches;3.tooths;,ox;5.mouse;6.beaches,diffs;7.leafs;8.attorneys; 9.discoveries, laboratories; 10.fishes.


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