1.Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was were:
2.I was at school ten minutes ago
3.It was very hot last week
4.They were happy yesterday
5.She was hungry two hours ago
6.We were in Paris last year
7.My favorite color was blue many years ago

2. Закончите предложения, используя I wasn’t, you weren’t, he wasn’t, she wasn’t, it wasn’t, they weren’t
1.Were they in Paris last summer? No, _
2.Was she blonde last year? No, _
3.Was I tired yesterday? No, _
4.Was he at home ten minutes ago? No, _
5.Was it cold yesterday night? No, _
6.Were you at the library last Monday? No, _


Ответ дал: dianochka17032

1) 2. I wasn't at school ten minutes ago.

3. It wasn't very hot last week .

4. They weren't happy yesterday.

5. She wasn't hungry two hours ago.

6. We weren't in Paris last year.

7. My favorite color wasn't blue many years ago.

2) 1. Were they in Paris last summer? No, they weren't.

2. Was she blonde last year? No, she weren't.

3. Was I tired yesterday? No, I weren't.

4. Was he at home ten minutes ago? No, he weren't.

5. Was it cold yesterday night? No, it weren't.

6. Were you at the library last Monday? No, you weren't.

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