Заполните пропуски, используя much / many / few / little
1. There are ______ people here. Only two or three. 2. I don't have ______ time so let’s start now. 3. There are ______ reasons why we should do this. 4. I have ______ respect for him, he is very kind. 5. We have ______ problems but we can solve them all. 6. I can’t answer this question. I have very ______ information. 7. That news is a secret. ______ people know it. 8. He's a good boy. He has _______ friends. 9. There aren't ______ days left before the meeting. I hope we are ready. 10. There are too ______ questions and I'm bored!


Ответ дал: lanamm
1. Many
2 much
3. Few
4. Much
5. Few
6. Little
7. Some
8. Many
9. Many
10. Many

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