Привет только сто зарегалась помогите пж. Я ни как не могу решить задание вот его текст
1.Tereis some/any bread anb butter there aren't some/any sandwiches
2. Have you got some/any salt?
3. Is there some/ any water?
4. There isn’t some/any money.
5. We haven’t got some/any cheeseburgers.


Ответ дал: sitkinv


1.Tere is some= bread and butter . There aren't any sandwiches .

2. Have you got any salt?

3. Is there any water?

4. There isn’t any money.

5. We haven’t gotany cheeseburgers.


Ответ дал: bergadolf

1.Tereis some/any bread anb butter there aren't some/any sandwiches

2. Have you got some/any salt?

3. Is there some/ any water?

4. There isn’t some/any money.

5. We haven’t got some/any cheeseburgers.

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