Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Past tenses.

6. Last weekend I _______________ (get up) early and I ____________ (go) for a walk because it _____________ (be) sunny.
7. My parents _________________ (meet) each other when they ________________ (study) at university.
8. I ______________ (see) that film when I _______________ (live) in Ireland.
9. When I _______________ (get) home, I ________________ (go) straight to bed because I was exhausted.
10. Sally _________________ (not go out) last night because she ____________ (have) to write an essay. She ___________________ (not finish) it though.
11. While _____________________ (talk) on the phone, my baby daughter ________________ (interrupt) me twice because she _______________(cry).


Ответ дал: netimeni126

Ответ: 6. got up\went\was

7. met\studied

8. saw\lived

9. was getting\ went

10. wasn't go out\had\haven't finished

11. i was talking\interrupted\cried


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