1. If I was offered the job, I think I ___(take) it.
2. If she ______(be) hungry, she would eat something.
3. If he studied, he ______ (pass) the exam.
4. If she has enough money, she ____ (buy)
a new car.
5. If he hurried, he ________(catch) the train.
6. If he __________(have) time, he will come.
7. If Masha helped in the kitchen, she ___(get) more pocket money.
8. If you ____(come), you would see him.
9. If I have some money I ____ (buy) a new car.
10. If I ____ (work) harder I will pass the exam.


Ответ дал: Pavul


1. would take

2. were hungry

3. would

4. will buy

5. would catch

6. has

7. would get

8. came

9. will buy

10. work

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