прошу помочь, буду рад если кто-то откликнется.)
( первое предложение дано как пример )

development, survive, pollute, recycle, disagreement, influence, protect, endanged, environment, responsible, nature, law, habitat, waste, pour

1. People must help endangered animals to survive.

2. Bob had a great ___ with his father about his future education.

3. The economic ___ of this region has improved recently.

4. Toxic wastes ___ the rivers a lot.

5. To save forests people should ___ waste paper.

6. Mike wants to become an ecologist. He is interested in ___

7. Helen’s teacher has a great ___ on her.

8. Children should have a happy home ___

9. In winter people usually wear warm jackets to ___ themselves from the cold.

10. In my opinion it’s a ___ of money to buy so many new clothes.

11. Could you ___ another cup of tea for me, please?

12. Is Asia the natural ____ of tigers?

13. Many Parliament members were against this ___

14. Nowadays a lot of ___ animal species live in zoos.

15. Mary is _____ for watering the plants in the classroom.


Ответ дал: t675k
2 survive
4 waste

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