Надо решить помогите, срочно.

1. Use said or told

a) The teacher ... us that we should wash our hands.

b) She … that she was not okay then.

c) The President the nation that the times would be difficult.

d) "Goodbye", she … him.

e) "See you later", he

f) My parents me that somebody had hacked into their bank account.

g) My friend said he was afraid of the current situation.

2. Put the sentences into the indirect speech. Mind the tenses and pronouns switch.

a) "I despise you!" she said to Tom.

b) "I haven't been to a Luna Park", he said.

c) "I'm washing the dishes", my mom said.

d) "We've lost him", they said.

e) "Online classes aren't that bad", you said.

f) "She lived in the USA for 10 years and her English is perfect", her father said.

g) "It's the greatest honour I have ever received", the actress told the audience.


Ответ дал: lilpeebo


1. а) Told

b) Said

c) Told

d) Told

e) Said

f) Told

g) Said

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