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on Saturday, invited, to a party, he, a lot of people He invited a lot of people to a party on Saturday.

1.together, chess, every other day, Henry and Joy, play


2.yesterday, Peter, some bad mistakes, made, in his Russian test


3. the Turners, last night, saw, at the cinema, we


4.raised, several times, the question, the chairman, at the meeting


5. the news, she, every morning, listens to, on the radio


6. in his room, Tom, at seven o’clock, morning exercises, does


7. both ... and, at work, her Dad, a lot, works, at home


Ответ дал: irenvin


1 Henry and Joy play chess together every other day. 2 Peter made some bad mistakes in his Russian test yesterday. 3 We saw the Turners at the cinema last night. 4 The chairman raised the question several times Tat the meeting. 5 She listens to the news on the radio every morning. 6 Tom does morning exercises at 7 o’clock in his room. 7 Her dad works a lot both at work and at home


Ответ дал: polina10022020


1.Henry and Joy, play together chess every other day

2.Peter made some bad mistakes in his russian test yesterday

3. We saw at the cinema the Turners last night.

4. The chairman raised several times the question at the meeting.

5. She listens to the news on the radio every morning.

6. Tom does morning exercises at seven o'clock in his room.

7. Her dad a lot works at home and at work both

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