Английский, срочно

Переписать предложения, используя unless (если не)​



Ответ дал: NalimLim

1) I won't take you to the party, unless you tidy your room.

2) Unless the children will behave themselves I won't take them to the zoo.

3) Unless Jim pays the electricity, it will get cut out.

4) Unless the students study, they won't pass their exams.

NalimLim: Можно лучший
slyuda1955: Ошибки исправьте((((
Ответ дал: slyuda1955

I won't take you to the party, unless you tidy your room.

Unless the children behave themselves ,they won't go to the zoo.

Unless Jim pays the electricity bill ,it will get cut off.

Unless the students study, they won't pass their exams.

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