Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. 25 Баллов.
1) We ............. (not do ) homework last Sunday..
2) I ............. (not take) your book.
3) We ................... (not walk) at the weekends.
4) People ................ (not wear) helmets in 1900.
5) They ................... (play) volleyball yesterday.
6) Aron .................. (not sleep) last night.
7) I ...............(wrtite) a test last Friay.
8) We ................ (go) to school last month.
9) We .................... (not go) to school yesterday.
10) We ............. (did) homework yesterday.


Ответ дал: vikashum1
1. din’t do
2. Didn’t take
3. Didn’t walk
4. Didn’t wear
5. Played
6. Didn’t sleep
7. Wrote
8. Go/went(?)
9. Didn’t go
10. Did

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