Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Use will, be going to or the present continuous.
1. .......... (you/leave)
work at 1 o'clock today?
2. Look out! You...............
(drop) your phone!
3. ................ (cars/be) electric
in the future?
4. l ..................... (buy) a laptop soon.
5. We ..................... (go) to the computer
shop at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
6. It's a lovely day. I .............
(turn off) my computer and go outside.
7. She ........................... (meet) us at 6:00.
8. People ....................(not/colonise) the moon until 2200. ​


Ответ дал: gulziraaynazarovna


1)are leaving

2)are going to drop

4) wil

7)is meeting

8) will not colonise

в остальных не уверена что правильно поэтому не написала, извини

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