Подчеркните и выпишите правильную форму глагола Past Simple.

Всё предложение списывать не нужно, выпиши только глаголы.

1. We eated / ate lunch very early.

2. Eric saw / seen a robot at the exhibition.

3. Holly sing / sang the song.

4. Jasper and Ryan buyed / bought a sandwich.

5. I went / goed to school yesterday.

6. Jamie make / made breakfast this morning.

7. The birds flew / flied away.

8. The scientist find / found the decisio


Ответ дал: irenvin
1 ate
2 saw
3 sang
4 bought
5 went
6 made
7 flew
8 found

leeisan26: спасибо
Вас заинтересует